General Church Information

Sunday morning worship is at 9:30 a.m. followed by Sunday School at 10:45 a.m. Holy Communion is celebrated on the second and fourth Sundays of each month and every Sunday during Advent and Lent. Holy Communion is also celebrated if there is a fifth Sunday in a month. There are special mid-week services during Lent and Advent. Watch Sunday bulletins and the monthly church newsletter for definite times and events.

Sunday classes are held September through May for God’s children of all ages. Classes begin fifteen minutes after church is over and last for one hour. If classes begin after 11:00 a.m. they will end no later than 12:00 Noon. Sunday School begins for children three years and older.

An Adult class is available on Sundays with topics ranging from Biblical books, doctrinal studies, thematic studies, and social/ethical issues to video series on a variety of topics. All adults are invited to participate in the Adult class offered on Sunday mornings.

During the school year on Wednesday mornings some members of St. Matthew meet at 10:00 a.m. for Bible Study. The coffee pot is always on and everyone is invited to join. We choose our own topics of study and thoroughly enjoy the Christian fellowship. Join us!

Classes vary based on the need and are able to be customized to accommodate a smaller classes schedule. Typically, the program is a one-year program and may include a parent. Sessions last one hour immediately following Sunday School.

Children who intend to go on to Confirmation Instruction and be confirmed, are invited to be part of an early Communion program at St. Matthew.

At the appropriate time, an invitation will be issued to children to take part in an instruction class on Holy Communion. At the end of the class, and with the consent of the Pastor, Elders, and parents, the child is considered part of our communing fellowship at St. Matthew. They will also be instructed on acolyte procedures and will be included in the acolyte schedule once they have received their First Communion. Questions may be addressed to Pastor or any of the Elders.

Members of the Vestry are the church officers, elected by Voters, who work to continue the mission and ministry of the Church. Election of officers is held at the Annual Voter’s Assembly in December. Vestry meets the first Sunday of each month immediately following the worship service – except in August when they take a break – to discuss/plan activities and to take care of necessary business matters. All members of the congregation are invited to attend Vestry meetings.

All confirmed members, men and women, eighteen years or older are welcome to participate in the annual Voter’s Assembly. This is an important part of being a member of St. Matthew – expressing one’s opinions and helping make decisions for your Church. To become a voting member, you must be a confirmed member and sign the Constitution of St. Matthew. There is one regularly scheduled Voter’s meeting each year held in December. Special meetings are called as required.

The Adult Choir leads the congregation in our worship services – especially with the liturgy, hymns and psalms. They frequently sing an anthem appropriate to the Sunday. The choir rehearses Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. prior to the worship service, from September through May. Should you be interested in this service to our Lord, please contact the Music Director, Jan Younger.

The Altar Guild is part of the Ladies’ Guild. As the altar is part of our worship, several groups are needed to maintain it. Each group has a specific duty in preparing the altar for each service. The committees are:

  • Altar/Communion Supplies Robes Altar Paraments/Banners
  • Altar Care Eternal Light

ALL MEMBERS of St. Matthew congregation are welcome to help with these duties, which enrich our worship services. Please contact any member of the Ladies’ Guild for more information.

We publish a yearly Directory with names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of all St. Matthew members and friends. Each family receives a copy for their personal use.

If you have any suggestions for the directory or any additions, corrections, deletions, etc., please report them, in writing, to the Church Secretary. Updates will be published in the monthly newsletter. Be sure to write these updates in your current directory each month and you will be able to have an up-to-date directory.

Everyone’s help is appreciated in keeping the Directory current.

The Church Office is normally open during Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. If the church office is closed, please leave a message on the church answering machine, send an e-mail to, or leave a note in the Church Secretary’s mailbox in the Fellowship Hall.

Any changes to addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, updates for birthdays and anniversaries, etc. should be reported to the office as soon as the change is made.


  • Items for the Sunday bulletin should be submitted to the Church Office no later than Tuesday morning at noon.
  • Items for the monthly church newsletter should be submitted to the Newsletter Coordinator, Kary Ellen Berger, no later than the third Tuesday of each month. The church newsletter is distributed by E-mail the last week of each month, with paper copies available on the last Sunday of the month in the Narthex.

The ladies of St. Matthew meet periodically throughout the year from September through June. Meetings, their time and place, are announced in the Sunday bulletin and/or the monthly church newsletter. Each meeting is dedicated to a particular topic – Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML), Spring Rally, Conventions, Bazaar, Community services such as F.I.S.H., Daybreak, or special needs within the church/community are Guild projects.

The Guild organizes the Easter Breakfast. The Ladies’ Guild may hold fundraisers throughout the year to help support their various mission projects and activities. The biggest fundraiser is the annual Bazaar held in November.

The basic mission of the Ladies’ Guild is service to the church and the community. The Guild is open to all women of the congregation. WE WELCOME YOU!